
The work must be literature of the fantastic, which includes fabulist, fantasy, magic realist, science fictional, speculative, supernatural, and surrealist works.

  • The work must be a novel, or novel-length short story collection. 
  • The author must be Canadian—that is, a Canadian Citizen (native or naturalized; resident in Canada or residing outside Canada) or Landed Immigrant in Canada.
  • Translations into English are considered on an equal footing with works written originally in English. Only the first translation of a work is eligible.
  • The work must be substantially text-based and have been published either as a physical book, or an e-book, with an ISBN. However, the work must be uploaded to the Sunburst in a DRM-free ePub format.
  • Novels and short story collections published in any given calendar year are eligible for consideration in the following calendar year. If a work was not submitted in its first year of eligibility it can then be submitted for consideration one year later. No work can be submitted twice. 

SUBMISSION FEE PER TITLE is $25.00, payable by PayPal, credit card, or by cheque payable to The Sunburst Award Society mailed to the address below,  Please clearly identify the title(s) your payments are for.

2. Complete the Title Registration form on the Sunburst Submissions Portal

3. Upload book entry. At the request of this year’s jury, all submissions must be in DRM-free e-pub format and uploaded to the Sunburst Submissions Portal.

Additionally, one physical copy of the book should be mailed to the Sunburst address below.

Sunburst Award Submissions
c/o 2 Farm Greenway
Toronto, ON M3A 3M2

CLOSING DATE for Submissions is January 31, 2025.
If you are ready to submit your work, click here.

The Sunburst Award Administrative Committee reserves the right to make the final determination of a work’s eligibility.

Submissions open October 21, 2024.